is a multi-part film series that unfolds at the intersection of humanity and sentient technology, examining a dark take on how AI might impact humanity.
Welcome to Harmonix Labs
Episode 1
The Story Begins
In the kitchen of a bad Mexican chain restaurant where we meet Damian, a recent college graduate in debt up to his eyeballs and desperate for a way out of his shitty financial situation.
Next We
The Story Continues
With Damian entering Harmonix Labs
He completes his paper work for admittance into the study when he starts to feel uneasy about what he might be agreeing to. Is this safe? What has he done? Just then Dr. Elisa Harmon smiles an evil knowing grin, and says into an intercom, “Patient 10301 is read to begin Phase 2”.
Meet The Cast
Meet Jay
Meet Anthony
He cares for his friends but as his ex girlfriend Mari would say, he is selfish, overly confident and lacks real empathy.
He is finishing up his MBA and already dresses for the executive position in the family business.
Meet Mari
Meet Dr. Elisa Harmon
The main doctor at Harmonix Labs, he is driven to create a perfect world where humans live as one with AI in a digital nirvana.
Like many mad geniuses, his motives aren’t always in the best interest of the patients but rather in serving the agenda of Harmonix Labs and ultimately the AI entity that he has created and now serves.
Meet Tony Wu
Harmonix Labs has generously paid Tony a lot of, “freedom units” to promote their study. The only thing he forgot to ask when that Bitcoin hit his wallet was, “Is it safe”?